Alright, we are so pumped to be in St Joseph for another transfer! If I just stayed here for the rest of my mission that would probably be okay with me! I love the members that we are serving with and we especially love the investigators, less active and recent converts that we are working with! Heavenly Father has really blessed us by putting these amazing people in our lives! So this week went as follows...
MONDAY- Monday was a 'lose' day. We had a good p-day, played around with hair dye etc (on my companions haha). But then we went out to do the work. Our first appointment called just before we got there and dropped us because he has been studying Jehovah Witness with his wife and decided to focus on one religion at a time And then our second appointment shined us. It was a sad day, we didn't know what to do with ourselves haha. So we door knocked until it got to late and then went home.
Tuesday morning we had an awesome lesson with Cassandra. Her daughter Abigail loves us and makes it so hard for us missionaries because we can't pick up kids but she is always trying to climb in our laps. She is so precious. We had planned to teach her about the Plan of Salvation but when we got there we were really not feeling it. We shotgunned a lesson about faith, which felt so thrown together for us because we hadn't prepared at all for that. BUT the Lord knew what Cassandra needed that day and the lesson touched her so much. We have to push back he baptismal date because we are still working on getting her and Damon married but we are really excited for the progress she is making and the testimony we see sprouting. Later that day we had a lesson with Miranda, it was the big Do or Die lesson so to speak. We have felt for the last month or so that she had stopped trying to progress and decided to just lay it all on the table. It was the best dropping of an investigator I have ever heard of. We expressed that we loved her but that since she had gotten as far in the gospel as she could considering what she was willing to work for we couldn't do anymore for her and that we were going to keep in touch but that we couldn't keep teaching her regularly. She said that she was relieved because she had felt that but that she didn't want to disappoint us. Then she gave us some scarfs and sent us on our way. Sometimes, we just have to do all we can for people and leave them to figure out what they will do with the knowledge that they now have.
WEDNESDAY- We spent most of Wednesday knocking doors and chasing down people who we haven't seen in a while. And most of the people we went to visit were gone, better luck next time.
THURSDAY- The work started to pick up
on Thursday. We finally got to meet with Stephanie, who was a member referral and had a great first lesson with her! We are just constantly being surprised by how prepared the people we are teaching are for the messages we share. I really should just expect it by now but it gets me every time. Then we got a referral from the elders since we were going to be in an area out of town that day. We went to go visit the family; the wife, Lori, is a less active member and the husband and kids are not members. When we got there it was just Chris with the kids and he invited us in and told us that he had been expecting that we would be coming sooner or later ha. We ended up teaching the first lesson to him. He really believed most of the things that we talked about already and just struggled with believing there could really be a prophet on the earth today. We had a really good lesson and set a return date to teach the whole family.
FRIDAY- Let me just start this day by saying I love Benton Harbor. The elders get all the fun door knocking in that area. So anytime we have a dinner appointment in that area, I try to convince my comps to schedule enough appts to spend the whole day there and we did just that on Friday. We spent a good time in the projects; teaching a group of old men that were sitting around playing cards, and visiting a less active member named Pat. She cracks us up because she just says exactly what is on her mind, doesn't care who she offends. If we ever ask her if we can pray or share a message with her she'll usually say something like, "You fin'a do it anyway" or "Don't care." But then she will listen and answer all of our questions and you can tell she is really paying attention. She will only let us sisters visit her because some elders offended her about 20 years ago so she doesn't like men in the church. When we invite her to come back to church she always says, "I'll go when the Lord sends me a sign right through that door" And we are just sitting there like, "What do you think we are for?" haha she is a tough one but we are making progress.
SATURDAY- More shining, and lots more door knocking. We were at the door of a Brazilian and I realized that I have gotten much worse at my Portuguese then I had thought. I got such bad stage fright, maybe I just won't get my visa haha, I think that would be okay.
SUNDAY- Church Church Church. We are still struggling to get our investigators to come to church. Its one of the most vital steps and no one will do it! I guess they are afraid that's where we will hook them, they are right. haha.
Anyways, we are running out of time to email so sorry the ending is not very polished off. I love this work, we have had some hard days this week and yet we are still finding so much success here! It just goes to show you that Heavenly Father is mindful of our struggles and is helping in whatever way that we will let him. I love you! And hope that you all have a wonderful week. Look for opportunities to share your happiness with the people around you:)
Love always
Sister Seagraves
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