I cannot believe that we are already more then half way through this transfer. I wish time would slow down a little, the mission is just flying by! This week we got to work a lot with less active families and members. It is so fun to watch as people start to remember the things they once new to be true. My testimony is growing as we watch their faith begin to restrengthen and they start to make their way back to activity in the church. I just know that no matter how far people drift from the Lord, that He is always waiting with open arms to welcome them back. It is not always an easy path back, but that is what is so great about the atonement, Jesus Christ sacrificed so that He could help them on the way back, and lighten their loads as they put forth the effort!
TUESDAY: We had lesson with Cassandra and she has a lot of good questions. She is a really deep thinker so we struggle with keeping her lessons short, especially because the things she wants to talk about always have to do with the gospel. The biggest things that we need for her is a fellowshipper who she can talk to about her questions and thoughts. We can only be there a little bit and the only other person that she can really talk to is her mother-in-law who is nice but is Jehovah Witness doesn't really want to talk about the things that Cassandra is learning. Mom I wish that you were here, I think that you would be a perfect fellowshipper for her! We also visited a cute old man named Harold. He is a member who lives in a nursing home out here and he doesn't get out to church very often. He just talks to us a lot about his life, I wish I had more time to spend to listen to him, he's pretty cool. And sometimes when he is talking he will just stop and start to whistle out of the side of his mouth and then look around like he didn't know where it came from. It sounds pretty real too, he tricked us the first time. haha he says its something that he likes to do because he thinks its funny. Dad, when you get old, I think you will be a lot like him.
WEDNESDAY: District Meeting! District meetings are usually pretty great, they are so inspired and it is nice to be able to bounce ideas off of other missionaries in our area. It's really helpful! Here is an example of how cold it is...after meetings we usually have district lunch and Elder de la Paz, our district leader, took us all to this outside diner place. While we were waiting for our food to be brought out, Elder Taylor's whole face turned purple! like solid purple. And we kept telling him that it was changing and he just laughed and said he was just acclimating but then he caught a glance of himself in a window and turned to his companion and was like, "Go start the car." It was funny, its time for us to get golf balls to knock doors with because it is so cold with the lake winds, some of the Elders have already had their knuckles start to split and bleed... This is real mission time!! Bring It!!
Anyways, Wednesday night was awesome because we had two of our 11 year old investigators come to the girls achievement activity for Halloween and one 8 year old boy got to cub scouts and loved it! Their moms got a chance to talk to the Bishop and Relief Society President and start building those relationships. It was such a blessing!!
THURSDAY: We had trade-offs with the Sister Training Leaders and so Sister Greene and I got to go to Kalamazoo for the day and serve on the WMU campus. It is pretty cool up there, as in cold. It snowed and I forgot my jacket, Oops! I got lucky though because we spent most of the day inside teaching lessons. It is so different to be missionaries on campus, there are people everywhere and you have to try and figure out which one is the one that Heavenly Father wants you to talk to. It seems like most of the students are pretty open to talking though so that is pretty awesome. They have a family in their university branch that feeds the missionaries every Thursday with the purpose of having investigators at the dinners which is probably the greatest thing I have ever heard of! What a great way to help people to feel comfortable, everyone loves food haha. Their church building is so awesome too, it is a building that the church bought just for the university ward and it used to be a baptist church house. Its got all kinds of cool things that you don't usually see at church buildings, like a balcony in the chapel.
FRIDAY: We spent a lot of the day weekly planning, but we did get to teach a couple of investigators with our members. One of our investigators, Cal, is the husband of a less active we had started to teach. She actually isn't even less active anymore, she is preparing to go to the temple and we are so excited. She wanted to take a trip to Nauvoo and didn't think Cal would agree to go because although he supports her 100%, he is reluctant to really apply the gospel to his life or to actually do anything after meeting with us. Well, he ended up going! And he got to go and see and experience the church history sights and feel the spirit there and here the testimonies of those who have given up so much for this gospel to come to us.
SATURDAY: Best Trunk or Treat EVER! Our ward went all out with their trunk or treat. They had it at the Bishops house and there was a bouncy house in their barn, square dancing with a live band, chili and cornbread and a bonfire.. It was so legit. haha AND the members brought so many friends! We were busy all night long just meeting people's friends and getting to extend invitations all over to learn. We got to talk to a family who had just gotten here from Shanghai China. WS (the dad, I can't say or spell his name so he told us to call him WS) told us about how when he had his second daughter he had to keep her hidden and couldn't even tell his close friends because he would get in trouble for having more than one kid. he loved that the people in the church can have and are encouraged to have big families, he wants us to come and teach them about the church and we are so excited to meet with his family. It is going to be so different and challenging to teach them since they have no religious background or understanding at all.. but with the help of Heavenly Father we are up for the challenge.
SUNDAY: We are finally starting to have investigators come to church!! That is the thing that we have been struggling with so much in this area. We have people who are willing to have us come and teach, most are even willing to read and pray but then they don't show up to church on Sunday, and without that added spiritual experience, they won't be able to gain a full and sturdy testimony that this is Christ's church restored on the earth. So yesterday, when our investigator Chris walked into the church with his wife, we were so excited! It was such a great day. We were able to watch as he started to become comfortable with the people around him and start joking with the members and he just fit in so well. It is such a miracle that we are able to see the changes and understanding of what Heavenly Father wants for us can make in a persons life.
We have a big week in front of us, I am supposed to teach a full lesson in Portuguese tomorrow and I am pretty nervous about that.. it has been so long since I have taught a full lesson in my mission language. It will be good practice, I just hope that the spirit is there! I am going to need it big time. The Lord is definitely blessing the work in St Joseph! Can't wait til I can tell you more. I love you all so very much. Be good, Do good, and Pray hard!! I miss you.
Ate Mais
Te Amo Muito
Sister Seagreaves
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