Monday, July 28, 2014

This week in Sao Paulo (June 23, 2014)

Whoo-wee! Finally things are starting to settle from the World Cup, but man this week has been a weird one! So our p-day last week got moved, except for emails, because we went to the temple on Tuesday... bad planning haha. So monday, we ended up having to return to the house early because it was starting to get a little rowdy in our area because the next day was a game of Brasil. Tuesday we got up suuuper early and headed to the temple which was a pretty long trip; three buses and three metros. We thought everything was packed in the morning but oh boy did we learn later. We got out of the temple at about midday and head out to get home because we were supposed to be safely in house at 1. First, our Elders left with out us so we were lost for a bit haha trying to find out how to get back. We called the leaders of the zone and they told us what buses to get on. We found one and ended up meeting up with some other elders that are in our zone. We stayed on that bus for about an hour and a half (it was only supposed to  be 15 mins) because the traffic was SO bad. Everyone had just gotten off work and were trying to get home to watch the games. We got off at a bus stop by a mall and Oh My GOODNESS! there had to be at least 500 people at every stop in the area. Almost none of the buses were stopping because they just didn´t have room. When our bus did finally pass we had to run and enter the exit door just to get on but it was so full that the doors couldn´t even close. I learned for real the meaning of packed like sardines. I wish I had a picture.. It was crazy. So we stayed smashed together on that bus for a couple of hours ahah and by the time we got home it was 5. The World Cup is CRAZY! only during Brasil games though.
The rest of the week was kind of rough as far as missionary work goes. Every day, the hours that we could work got changed. We also started teaching an english class in the mornings. That is pretty challenging because I realized that there are rules in english I never knew exsisted, luckily its not too many people that come... okay fine so just one person has showed up haha. There are 8 missionaries and only one other person there everyday, but they are learning! 
We had an awesome Sunday though! Lindo Mar got baptized, wahhhooo! We have been teaching him for quite a while and he has had an answer for so long but he was just too shy to get baptized. It turned out really good though because the Elders baptized a family at the same time so all of the attention wasn´t on him. President and Sister Tanner came and gave them some gifts, it was really special and really great. 
This week I was studying in the Liahona (yep, I can study in portuguese now!), one of the talks from the priesthood session. I can´t remember what it was called but it talked about how we are now living in a time of choices. I think it was more focusing on choices that we make with the tecnology that we have now but really it can be applied in everypart of our life. There are so many things that call our attention in the world, which ones we dedicate time to will decide what kind of people we are. It is so true that literally everything we think, say and do affects who we are and where we will go in our life. We have to be ever aware of who we are becoming and make sure that we are making choices to guide us to happiness. Like we learn in Moroni 7:11, wherefore, a man being a servant of the devil cannot follow Christ; and if hefollow Christ he cannot be a servant of the devil.
we can´t serve both sides. If we aren´t moving forward towards Christ, we are falling backwards toward the devil. Choose Christ! 
I love you all, I hope you have a great week! Happy World Cup, go BRASIL! 
Sister Seagraves 


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