Okay! Sorry that I didn´t write last week. Time fllies on the computers! Things are going really well here. The World Cup started this week that passed and now our work schedule is crazy haha. Everything literally stopped for the first Brazil game. We have a lot more time in the house now, anytime there is a big game, so that is kind of chato but we are working around it. It´s funny because we can´t watch the jogos but we always know the score of the Brazil games because of the cheers and fireworks haha.
Now we go out at 8 in the morning and work and then return to the house after lunch for studies and then depending on who is playing we receive and call from our leaders that says that we can return to work at 6 or we have to stay in house. It is a little hard to get anything done in the morning but we have been able to do a lot of work with less actives which is awesome because we have a ton. Every day we find someone else who has been baptized but works on Sunday or whatever else. We have a stakes worth of people in our ward we just have to activate them all.
We are starting an English class on Wednesday in the church during the morning hours. That is going to be really interesting haha. We don´t really have any clue what we are going to do but we know it will be great! I have been teaching Sister O some English but I don´t really remember rules or anything. I am excited though to have a fun new way to find more investigators.
We are teaching some really awesome families right now that we found this week. The men in the ward gave João some church clothes and he showed up looking shaky as all get out on Sunday, he should be receiving the priesthood in the week that's coming. Yay for solid coverts! Selma is practically teaching us now haha. Every time that we go to her house she has already read, and understood all that we had planned. Finding her really was a miracle.
Speaking of miracles we went to tach Lindo Mar this week and put him on date to be baptised next Sunday, the 22. I don´t know if I have written about him yet but he is pretty cool. He is like the most timid person I have ever met but he is super solid and comes to all of the church activities and meetings etc. A couple of weeks ago he told us that he didn´t want to be baptized he just wanted frequent the church and be a dry Mormon. We worked away at him for a while and finally got him to agree that he needed to be baptized but he wanted to wait for a LONG time. After that we told him to pray and kind of left the subject for awhile because we sensed he was getting a little annoyed with us asking and didn´t want him to leave the church all together. The other day though we stopped by just to see how he was and invite him to something or other and we sat and had a quick lesson. We kept getting the impression to ask about baptism again so we did. First we asked, have you been praying still about it and he kind of shrugged and said yeah and then we asked okay, well have you gotten an answer and he looked up and said totally calmly, yeah mark a day. It took about 30 seconds to register because he said it so calmly and then we were like cheering and all that jazz and now we are getting him prepped for next week. YAY!
Oh shoot times up! I love you all! I hope you are doing well! Remember, always follow the spirit in all that you do and miracles, big and small, will follow!
Love Sister Seagraves