This week has been great! I will start with big news and then talk about the usual, good stuff. Also I don't have a ton of time cause I've got some errands to run but here it is. So I got a call from President Hess this week and I am going to BRAZIL! That's right, you can read! My visa has finally come through and I leave tomorrow morning! It was so shocking how I found out. President had come to Midland on Wednesday this week to do interviews with the sisters in our area. During our interview I asked him if my travel plans had come (since we had known for about 2 weeks that it was approved) and he told me that they had not. He said that they had gotten 4 visas that work be leaving on Tuesday but mine wasn't with them. We were both pretty surprised about that since the other 4 who had received theirs were all going to my mission. He said that it happens sometimes and that I would probably end up leaving next transfer (so in June). I was okay with it because at this point, I have learned to just go with the flow haha. I figured, 'Cool, now I will get to meet Elder Holland.' He told me that he would be making the calls to the other 4 missionaries the next morning and then  figuring out what to do to fill the holes in the companionships. So Thursday morning we were just starting companionship study and we got a call from the mission office. I thought it was weird but then I thought, 'oh maybe they will pull one of us to fill a visa waiter's hole since we are in a trio.'" Except for when I answered President said. "Sister Seagraves, thank you for your service in Michigan, pack your bags, you are going to Brazil." I was in so much shock haha I was shaking and crying, the whole bit! I asked him if he had lied to me the day before and he told me that when we had been talking in the interview, he had had no idea that my travel plans were there. But, as soon as we got out of the interview he got a text that said that my plans were in the office. He said I was already headed down the hall when he read it so he thought, "Oh well, I'll just tell her tomorrow."  The NERVE! haha! I am so pumped to go though! It's about time!
The rest of the week has been split between preparing to go and a real push to end the transfer well! We taught the Lindaur family, which are part-member and less-active. We are super excited about that because the mom is really starting to trust and open up to us so we are able to teach better to her needs. Both of the Brittany's are doing well and so are the Sherman's. It is sad that I am leaving right now because I feel like things are really picking up in our area! I LOVE the people that we are teaching right now. Not that I haven't loved all of the people that we have taught in the past but I really feel connected to them and it has been so much fun to work with them. I know I will love the people in Brazil too but it is just way bittersweet saying goodbye! 
I am learning though, that where ever the Lord sends us is where He wants us. Over and over we are reminded that this is His work and that is so true! He has a hand in every part of this work and I know that He knows exactly what is going on even if I do not. I found a scripture in D&C 51 a couple of weeks ago that helped me a lot in the work that I am doing. 

16 And I consecrate unto them this land for a little season, until I, the Lord, shall provide for them otherwise, and command them to go hence;

 17 And the hour and the day is not given unto them, wherefore let them act upon this land as for years, and this shall turn unto them for their good.

I have learned in the last 9 months that we are where we are and we don't know how long that will be. All that we know is that underneath all of our questions of why, there is a reason for everything. All we can do is labor diligently where we are until the time comes for us to move on. Fussing about our circumstance won't make the time go any faster but hard work will make the time worth it. So work as though you are going to be where you are for a long time. Invest energy in the work you are doing and you won't regret it. No matter what, we need to do as the young women's theme says this year (at least in this ward haha) and "Bloom where we are planted!" Do what we can where we are. Serve the Lord with all our heart, might, mind and strength, and everything will be alright and work out for our benefit! 
I love you! I don't know any addresses yet but I will be in the MTC again so feel free to use for the next little while (it's free and I will get them same day :). I miss you! * Note- It's not free to Brazil and Sister Seagraves will be out in another week so stay tuned for her address because she has reported dearelder doesn't work so well. 
Til next week!
Love, Sister Seagraves

"..I  have been called of him to declare his word.."
~3 Nephi 5:13~