Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Relocating to Lansing Michigan

Okay Err'body, 

The day has come! All my clothes are washed, bags are packed and my whole district has already left! Tomorrow I will be in Lansing Michigan, and I cannot wait. Last night I said goodbye to my companion and the rest of the district and it made me so stressed out for my departure tomorrow morning! What if I get up late? The travel office had given Sister Wilcox the wrong time to depart so we thought she was supposed to leave at 3:30, jokes on us, she was supposed to be there at 2:30..,. AM i might add. We had gotten up at 2:15 to see our Elders off and then gone back to our room and she was going to use that time to get ready. About 20 minutes later she gets a call from the front desk saying that the whole bus was waiting for her and that she was super late... SO its 2:50 and they tell her that the bus needs to be out of the parking lot at 3am and she needed to be there now. Sister Fehlman, Sister Sauer-Davis and I went crazy trying to get the rest of her things packed, dressing her, lugging her bags down the stairs and then sprinting to the bus with her bags while she went to the travel office to check out. We got her from the phone call, packed and dressed and  to the bus in four minutes flat... We should probably work on a runway or something, she is lucky we are pros. Anyways when we finally went back to sleep last night all I could dream about was missing my flight and them sending me home because I was a disgrace haha. No way I am gonna let that happen! I am waayy too excited about going to Michigan. 

This week, we finished with our last progressing investigators and then began practicing teaching in English one on one.. I did not like it! It was so much hard to teach the lessons in English, who'da thunk? Seriously there were times when I could think of what I wanted to say in Portuguese but then when I tried to make it work in English I couldn't. Also, in Portuguese it is okay to be extremely bold with your statements and in English some of the ways I would have said things would have come across really rude so I had to learn how to say things more nicely. I never would have guessed that it would be so difficult but I guess teaching in Portuguese is all I know.  ]

I am so excited to be going to teach in Michigan... I know I have less that 8 hours but I can hardly stand to wait!! Strange to think that this time tomorrow i will be finishing my first day as a real, in the field missionary! Today we spent most of the day getting everything together and I was weird because we literally have like no friends left here. Everyone left this morning and we just walk around and people say "hey aren't you supposed to be gone?" and that's rude lol. And our class is completely empty which is sad and lonely. 

Tonight we had devotional, as usual for Tuesdays, in the Marriott Center AND and APOSTLE spoke! Elder Neil L Andersen, so I guess you could say that we are pretty lucky for being the last ones here. They told us that 4167 missionaries were watching the broadcast live in there respective MTCs and that it was the largest MTC broadcast to date. When the devotional ended they had to hold the all of the missionaries in the building because it was storming so bad and after like 15 minutes we all had to make a run for it back to the MTC (which like a 5 minute walk or so ) and we all got SOAKED!! I guess its just a little taste of the mission life in Brazil, I really didn't mind the rain except that it was the first day in like 2 weeks that I wasn't wearing my crocs, go figure... and all of my clothes are packed and I was planning on wearing the clothes I had on the trip tomorrow but they are now drenched... Ahh well hope they dry fast, It was worth it. I'm not sure what else to write so I guess I will just say I love you all. Please pray for people to be prepared for me to teach... I hope the first week back to school and such went well. 
Eu amo voces!
Sister Seagraves
PS. I can't remember if I have answered everyone's letters or not but lets just call it a clean slate and I will answer new letters starting now ;) hah love ya